Tuesday, 18 November 2008


From now on all comments here please!

Monday, 25 June 2007

Funny Story!

Listings tepterearaly unavalible until further notice or until I finish the story.

My most embarrassing day!

My most embarrassing day!
I was in town with some friends, window shopping buying the occasional thing or two.That was when I had my great idea. "we'll have a race to the park," I said. "last one to there has to give the winer five bucks." "Ready...set...GO!" We all ran to the park. I was winning, but then my pants fell down and tripped me up. It was like the whole town saw. They were all pointing and giggling. To make matters worse I had to give my friend five bucks for losing. And that was my most embarrassing day. The end!

Ok give me one good reson why.

The best (slighty edited) true story ever!!!!!!!!

I suddenly woke up. I could feel an evil preasnce at the foot of my bed. I spent 5 sweat filled minutes of utter terror. I finaly worked up enough courage. I turned on my light and there in fount of me was the scariest looking ghost anyone had ever seen. It was half man half beast and it had a huge axe in the side of its head. I wondered whether or not to call the police but then remembered that ghost's arnt real so I called the police anyway turned of my light and went back to sleep.

The end

my are in friends in very high places...

my are in friends in very high places...