Monday, 25 June 2007

Funny Story!

Listings tepterearaly unavalible until further notice or until I finish the story.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Refreshments,

Love your blog! Great picture of the Jazz Bar and Cafe. Your blog gives me a strong urge to eat icecream. Don't know why....

Elizabeth said...

looks cool!!!!!!!!!! can't wait 2 c what u come up with next. byebye MR REFRESHMENTS!!!!!!!!!!

Panashe said...

cool blog nice drawing

Rebekah said...

your movie is sooooo cool!

Rebekah said...

Yu have some random movie there ae Mr Refreshments.....


PS. I wo a tikl yu!!!

Levi said...

like how u done your own pic

Rebekah said...

If the manual told you to stick your weaner in a light socket would you do it


Rebekah said...

thats good

Rebekah said...


Rebekah said...

hey Mr B... ...whats cooking?

Rebekah said...

try and stop me.

Mitch said...

man i'm SOOOOO! THIRSTYY AND SOOOOO HUNGRY if only there were some kind of superhero that supplied REFRESHMENTS!!!!

Rebekah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kurt said...

cool bloge

Hendrix said...

mmmm making me hungry :)

Rebekah said...

hi mr refreshments. from melody

Rebekah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rebekah said...

ow Mitchell ah hahahaha a

try the thing on beks blogg.


Rebekah said...

Once there was a boy named Tug. He liked to wollow in mud and sing on the toilet. He was My imaginary friend. One day he died and I went to his funeral and on his tomb stone it said,
"In loving memory of Reuben Moores imaginary friend, Tug Bloomy. RIP."
The End.
By Reuben Moore and Tug Bloomy.

...Tug didn't really die in the making of this story.

Reubarb said...

Hi Mr Refreshments. Its Doctor Knokers/Reuben!

Reubarb said...

add me to your friends list...

Username: Doctor Knokers

Rebekah said...

Hey Mr B, whats cooking???

Reubarb said...

Yo Mitul Wot u doin

Zac said...

how many comments do u need

Rebekah said...

good. its fun!!!!

Reubarb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Reubarb said...

Lol haha I wont!

Hey Spider We Just Pissed On Some Guy's Head

Reubarb said...

Oh Fuuudge..........Run!

Zac said...

man u have a lot of comments but its a good blog who is docter knockers

Zac said...

cool ur a super hero y didnt u save me from the monster under my bed

Reubarb said...

Hey Knt w8 2 meet Ur ltl bro

lol..........y u kall im Reuben

Playdough Man said...

hi mitch plz vote on my blog

Zac said...

u need some more posts

Reubarb said...

uR a gRiZlY BeAr!!!

Rebekah said...

You'd keep your mouth shut if you knew it was good for ya!!!

Rebekah said...

try and stop me!!!!!!!

Reubarb said...

and grandma flabby arms

Reubarb said...

and grandma flabby arms

Rebekah said...

whats all this one in a million talk?

Rebekah said...

Oh i dont think your a nosey parker hehe.

Excuse me flow...

Rebekah said...

...flow like the TV show

Rebekah said...

Funny. I see you like the colours pink and purple now...

Rebekah said...

i dont know how to change the background but i think reuben does

Reubarb said...

nice blogg

Reubarb said...


Reubarb said...


Reubarb said...


Reubarb said...


Reubarb said...


Reubarb said...


Reubarb said...

opps loox like i klked it a few 2 many timez!

Rebekah said...

ok kill him!

Reubarb said...

U knt C ne fing in ere chage it frm da Mighty Luv Hartz!

by da way kn u post bak plzzzz!

Rebekah said...

wooooooow! you should change the colour of your writing it took me ages to find the comments place.

Rebekah said...

cool. you should make another post

Reubarb said...


Reubarb said...


Reubarb said...


Reubarb said...

Hey Mitchell...

Reubarb said...

R we a member ov da S.A.S?

Reubarb said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I don't like lollies...but I do like chocolate!

Reubarb said...


Reubarb said...

Ha I got ur mail and mum sed "Reuben, y did u send a mesge 2 ur self?"

I laughed and sed "thats Ur birthday Invite"


Reubarb said...

Hello y wernt u @ skewl 2day?

Reubarb said...

Well... Ellew... -Haow- Bob Saggot!

Reubarb said...

Babalala... Haow!

How woz da Holidayz?

Reubarb said...

Ch Heh... Yeeh

Wotcha doin?
remember, dont tell any1 bout da S.A.S!

Playdough Man said...

hope to see you soon in 6weeks

Reubarb said...

Yay!!!!!!!!!! Yr computa workz agen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cha

Reubarb said...

If you eva read dis msg - im like "BOOYAAAHH! I GOT 101 VEIWS ON MA BLOG! !CHALAGANA!

My most embarrassing day!

My most embarrassing day!
I was in town with some friends, window shopping buying the occasional thing or two.That was when I had my great idea. "we'll have a race to the park," I said. "last one to there has to give the winer five bucks." "Ready...set...GO!" We all ran to the park. I was winning, but then my pants fell down and tripped me up. It was like the whole town saw. They were all pointing and giggling. To make matters worse I had to give my friend five bucks for losing. And that was my most embarrassing day. The end!

Ok give me one good reson why.

The best (slighty edited) true story ever!!!!!!!!

I suddenly woke up. I could feel an evil preasnce at the foot of my bed. I spent 5 sweat filled minutes of utter terror. I finaly worked up enough courage. I turned on my light and there in fount of me was the scariest looking ghost anyone had ever seen. It was half man half beast and it had a huge axe in the side of its head. I wondered whether or not to call the police but then remembered that ghost's arnt real so I called the police anyway turned of my light and went back to sleep.

The end

my are in friends in very high places...

my are in friends in very high places...